From 31st August - 5th September, we are residency at Slung Low's incredible rough cut art space, The HUB, in Leeds.
Join us for work in progress events on 4th and 5th September.
Live Edit Installation - Thursday 4th September, 3pm - 7pm
You are invited to enter the space and watch as each artists takes to the stage and faced with a large projection of themselves, edits a ever evolving autobiographical film made up of footage taken from the three residencies that have taken place so far.
Stay for as long as you like and witness the artists deliberate over what parts of themselves to keep and expose or to throw away and hide in a process that provides a unique insight into the artists' history and their individual creative processes.
Sharing and Discourse - Friday 5th September, 4.30pm - 7pm
This sharing has no form and no pre-decided content. It will probably include some sound/music developed in the week's residency, other performance expressions, dissemination of information surrounding the process and an opportunity to watch some of the autobiographical films. It will end with an informal feedback session, where we would love to invite your feedback on the project so far.
Book free tickets by emailing:
For the Edinburgh Festival we teamed up with KeelerTornero to develop an interactive installation to give you an insight into the thought processes at the centre of Change My Mind. Having premiered the installation at Forest Fringe during the fesitval, it has now moved to Edinburgh's incredible multi-arts centre - Summerhall, where you can catch it throughout the autumn.
Check out our twitter feed for an insight....@UB_theatre!