A Geographic



Leo’s second solo performance, A Geographic is an exploration into the life of Leo Sr. (Leo’s grandfather); an eastern European immigrant, merchant sailor, free spirit, addict, journeyman - and above all, a myth.

The multidisciplinary show breaks down the barriers of theatre with a combination of live music, spoken word and explosive physicality. Leo brings together the control and playfulness he learned through Capoeira and body-popping, with his experiential knowledge of physical theatre and his passion for aesthetic experimentation.

The piece was supported by Oval House Theatre and performed at the Weekend Arts College 25th Anniversary Festival and Battersea Arts Centre Oktoberfest in 2004. It toured the UK throughout 2006.

Creative Team

Created and performed by
Leo Kay
Co-directed by
Ron Bunzi
Beats by
Marc Brown
Film by
Jake Corbett
Video edited by
Nolan Hobdell

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